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Our Quality Policy

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Belek Architecture is committed to continuously providing first class architectural and project management services to our customers in line with our strategic rules and principles. This will be achieved through:

1. Full compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

2. Perfect management of our relationship with relevant parties in line with our strategic direction.

3.Effective implementation and maintenance of each process

4. Invest in the development of our people.

5. To follow up-to-date technology and use up-to-date technology. 

Belek Architecture has adopted and implemented a business management system based on the ISO standard series and related process management models. The management system is

It has been developed to provide a set of measurable goals to ensure it is consistently met and maintained.

We have a Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 9001 to ensure the fulfillment of management commitments. Our management system provides opportunities for continuous improvement and growth by ensuring that our customers are fully satisfied with the services they demand and that their needs and expectations are fully met.

It creates a framework in which we build the ability to identify and develop effectively. It is Belek architecture policy to always provide high and consistent quality services that meet the needs, needs and expectations of our customers for quality and reliability.

We aim to sustainably understand and respond to the needs of our customers and the community they serve, where appropriate. We strive to be the center of excellence for the services we offer. This policy will be reviewed periodically to make sure it is still up to date and relevant.

It refers to the management organization responsible for quality, which ensures the compliance, attainment and sustainability of our quality objectives defined in the Belek Architecture Quality Manual and Quality Procedures through periodic management reviews and is continuous and continuous. Quality objectives have been established as part of the company's business plan and are presented in an order. We are committed to the full and effective operation of the quality system and everyone in the application is responsible for applying the requirement while bringing.

Deviation from the procedure should first be reported to the Quality Management Representative (QMR). Understanding, implementing and maintaining this policy at all levels of the organization is part of our training program. This statement represents our commitment to the Quality Policy on behalf of Belek Architecture.

The world of architecture faces many new challenges. The enormous amount of construction projects have been suspended or postponed indefinitely. Architects are now forced to reassess their roles or find alternative ways to implement. On the other hand,

different societies around the world are struggling with basic social-cultural and environmental problems; Different demands arise for sustainable solutions. It seems these are just two parallel worlds that meet occasionally. However, both are part of the emergencies and challenges we face today.This is the basis of Belek Architecture's existence - it brings both worlds closer together and connects local initiatives, talents and positions in global sustainable developments.

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